Backlink | Creating Backlinks and Benefits

Search Engine Optimization is the most important factor to rank your website or blog. There are many things that are important in SEO.

One of these is backlinks. Do you know what is a backlink which term is used in SEO? If not then this article may be helpful to you and all bloggers.

what is a backlink

So what is a backlink is this question in your mind? We hope by reading this article you have a clear idea of backlinks. 

Every blogger wants to rank their blog and grow business then they must know about backlinks.

Because without backlinks none of any website or blog may easily rank. In rare care, If a blog ranks without backlinks that is just magic.

In this article we are going to learn about backlinks. Link is an address of the specific webpage. we know that when we click on a link we redirect to another webpage.

But the main question is what is the purpose of the link? We use links to get more information from other sources that may be blogs, websites or any social media platform.

Backlink is the backbone of SEO that ranks your website or blog. So let’s start to get more information about this most important concept of SEO.

What is a backlink ?

Backlink is a type of link that redirects users from another website or blog to your blog. e.g. if you have created a quality post and you insert the link of that post to a famous or already top-ranked webpage that is a backlink.

Users visit that blog and click on your post link to get more information. By this you get more traffic and your blog will rank top.

It means backlink is a platform or gateway that connects two or more web pages. I think you have understood what is a backlink with the help of the above example. 

Now we will discuss some important backlink related terms.

Link Juice:

When someone clicks on a link that is inserted on another webpage then that link flows to your webpage or article or homepage that we called Link Juice. 

Link juice is important in the backlink. It creates a connection between two or more websites or blogs. 

Link juice plays an important role to rank your website or blog. If you want to stop link juice, then as a blogger you can use the NoFollow tag in your blog. 

We will discuss the NoFollow tag next to this article.

Low-Quality backlinks:

If you create a backlink on span websites, porn websites, hacking-related websites then that backlink is called low quality backlink. 

If you create that type of backlinks then you may be punished or if you have a Google AdSense account then it may be blocked. 

That’s why every blogger must create a high-quality backlink for their website or blog.

High-Quality backlinks:

High-Quality backlinks are the exact opposite of Low-Quality backlinks. When you create a backlink on websites or blogs that are already popular and top-ranked, that backlink is called a High-Quality backlink. 

You can create a backlink on the social media platform like Facebook, tweeter, Quora, Pinterest, etc. every blogger must create a High-Quality backlink for their blog to rank top.

Quality backlinks:

Suppose your blog is related to Technology and you created a backlink from a blog that is related to fashion then why visitors want to redirect to your blog using a backlink? 

That may impact your ranking and Nobody wants to redirect to your blog. That is not a quality backlink if you don’t know what is a backlink then read first that which we have already discussed. 

You must get backlink only from those blogs or web pages that are related to your blog niche/subject. If you create a Quality backlinkthen your blog gets more traffic and your blog will rank top.

redirect to another webpage of the same website or blog that links are called internal links. 

E.g. suppose your Adsense related post is most ranked and want to rank another post that has not sufficient traffic then you can insert a link of that post or article on a ranked post or article. 

When visitors visit your ranked post then they may click on that link and redirect to your no ranked post. That way your other post also will rank. 

You must create internal links within your blogthat is the most important fact for every blogger who wants to rank their blog.

So, friends, we have discussed in detail what is a backlink and some important terms related to backlink. Now we are going to learn the types of backlinks.

There are two types of backlinks that are DoFollow backlink and NoFollow backlink. Let’s discuss it in detail.

types of backlinks

Types of backlinks

1) DoFollow backlink:

When you get a backlink from any post or article then DoFollow backlink helps to pass link juice. DoFollow backlink enabled default for all links. The format of DoFollow backlink is:


Default it does not require any attribute to create backlink but if you want to use attribute then for that the format is:


E.g. Google
Using attribute rel=”no-follow” you can stop redirection from a backlink. You can also create a backlink using just a URL.

2) NoFollow backlink:

If you do not want to get a backlink from other sources for that you must create a NoFollow backlink. It\’s very simple just add rel=”no-follow” attribute in your URL. format for making a NoFollow backlink is:


But there are many disadvantages to using NoFollow backlink. If you create a NoFollow backlink then your blog or website will be down-ranking in search engine. 

For security reasons you can use NoFollow backlink for your specific post of the article.

So friends after what is a backlink and types of backlinks further we will learn how to create a quality backlink.

Backlinks can be created by the following methods:

1) Writing quality content:

If you write quality content in your blog post then anyone wants to share your post or link your post to their article. 

In this way your post or article gets a quality backlink from popular blogs. but you must have quality content in your article.

2) Guest post:

There are many websites that allow guest post writing on their blog. 

Find your niche related blog and write some text on a specific topic and to get more information insert your article link that way you get a quality backlink. 

This is the best way to promote your blog using guest post writing. 

3) Start commenting:

As a blogger, you must read more articles and watch videos to improve your writing skills. 

When you read an article that is related to your blog niche/subject. in the comment box type some text or answer visitors questions and insert your article link. 

Many visitors read your comment and redirect to your blog by using an inserted link.

4) requesting for backlink:

You can request a backlink from a popular blogger to get a backlink from their blog. 

If your content is unique and has quality then you can get an easy backlink from other bloggers by requesting them.

We have already learned what is a backlink now let\’s discuss the benefits of backlinks.

Benefits of backlinks:

1) Organic Traffic:

When you create quality backlinks for your blog then search engines rank your blog and suggest your blog to the audience. That way you get more organic traffic. create quality backlinks for your blog to get top ranking.

2) Quick indexing:

By using backlinks your blog gets popularity and search engines start quickly indexing your posts. That is the most important benefit of backlinks.

3) Referral traffic:

You also share a good post after reading it; the same way if your article has good quality content then visitors refer your post to their friends. By this you get more referral traffic.

So, friends, we have discussed the most important SEO factor: what is a backlink and some important terms also benefits of backlinks.

We hope that you like this article, please share this article to your friends.

Thank you.

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What is domain?

What is Domain Name?

Hi friends, if you are serious about this article then you are maybe a Student, a web developer, or a Blogger. this article is very helpful for you.
you have understood from the title this article that we will discuss one of the most important concepts of Internet field that is Domain Name. 

So What is a domain name?

Today we all use the Internet. we know that to open a webpage we need a specific web address of that website. web address is the most important part of the Internet. it makes it easy to visit a specific website to get more information. 

every web address includes a domain name. for example: htpps://

let\’s know what is domain name?


When referring to a domain or domain name is the location of a specific website. A word or the words are used to identify a specific website that is called the domain name. like IP addresses, domain names are also unique. in the past, IP addresses were used as a web address instead of the domain name but this method was changed to consider future problems. 

now today we are using the domain name for the web address. for example a domain name that points to the IP address we can not remember that type of IP address for every web address.

every website or domain name has a unique IP address. we can also access any website through its IP address but we can not remember IP addresses of each and every website. we can easily remember the domain name instead of the IP address.

To better understand this concept we take an example of Mobile Number. we assign a mobile number to a Specific Person\’s Name. when we want them we just find Person Name in the contact list. because we can not remember each and every Person\’s mobile number. same that way we use the domain name instead of IP address.

Uses of Domain Name

Domain names are used worldwide especially in the field of Network and Data Transmission. it is used to identify a single IP address or a group of IP addresses. as the domain names are Alphanumeric, the host or entity may use the domain name as an alternate name to make them easy to remember. it is used to describe a website as a part of the URL. domain names are also used for email.

Okay, we have discussed What is a domain name? what are the uses of the domain name? but actually how domain Name works? so let\’s start to know how domain name works.

How Domain Name works?

The domain name perform their function through DNS (Domain Name System).


DNS (Domain Name System) resolves your website\’s IP address. every website has a unique IP address in the form of specific number series like when we retrieve any website by typing their name (domain name) at that time DNS connects you typed domain name to the IP address and you get content from that website. 

it means DNS makes easy to remember web address. that\’s why we do not need to keep the IP address book! thanks to DNS.
so, in short DNS:

  • DNS is a Hostname to IP address translation service.
  • DNS is an Application Layer Protocol.
  • In the DNS system all the hostname were saved in the host.txt file.
  • It works Forwerd and Reverse DNS Lookups.
  • DNS is Highly targeted for Hacking Purpose.
  • It uses both TCP port 53 and UDP port 53.
  • Today, DNS support 13 Root Name servers. (A to M).

we will discuss DNS in more detail in the next article.

Parts of Domain Name

there are four parts of the domain name. we take a domain name as an example.

1.http or https: 

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. it is a protocol. \’S\’ means secure. https is used for a secure connection and HTTP may detect the non-secure connection.


www stands for World Wide Web.  it is a widely spread Network that provides information worldwide.


this is your domain name. it is also called as Second Level Domain Name (SLDN). we will discuss domain name levels in this article.

4. .com:

it is a domain extension. it is also called as Top-Level Domain e.g. .com, .org., .net, etc. it specifies the type of website whether it is commercial, education, organization, etc.

 Types of Domain

there are many types of domains but we will discuss three main types of domains. you must choose your domain according to your businesses, country or purpose.

1. Top Level Domains(TLD):

Top Level Domains are also called as internet domain extension. these domains are very useful worldwide and it plays a very important role in SEO. that type of domain considered as Profession Domain name. The most popular Top-Level Domain Names are as follows.

  • for United State: .us
  • for 
  • for Brazil: .br
  • for Canada: .ca
  • for United Kingdom: .uk
  • for China: .cn
  • for Saudi Arabia: .sa
  • for Thailand: .th
  • for Japan: .jp
  • for Singapore: .sg
  • for Australia: .au

so these are the Country Code Domain (CcTLD) 


Most of you may know the subdomain because initially most of every blogger or web developer make a website for free on Google Blogger. when you make a free blog using Blogger then your domain is e.g. 

like that you can use subdomains from your top-level domain to run any application through your domain name. eg. in this top-level domain can divide in multiple subdomain names. there are a lot of Subdomain blogs or websites are available on the Internet.

Top Domain Name Registrars

Domain name Registrar is a company that provides domain name and allows to purchase a domain name. some of the domain registrars are also provide Hosting services that user can host their website on the server. you can purchase domain names from these registrars. some top registrars are as follow:


you can choose any of the above registrars for your domain name. to make a website or a blog you must buy a domain name and hosting. 

so we have learned What is Domain Name? also learn domain-related concepts. in this article we have discussed a brief overview of DNS but in the next article we will get more details about DNS.

we hope you like this article.

Thank you.

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VPN-Virtual Private Network? Which are the best VPN Applications in 2020?

VPN-Virtual Private Network

      Hello friends, in this modern age of technology we are using different technologies in our daily life. Just as you can see the advantages of technology, there are also its disadvantages too!

 today there are many people have a smartphone and they are also using it smartly. The security of the technology you use is very important.

VPN-Virtual Private Network

Today the Internet is a big source of Information. We can communicate with each other through the internet. So this raises the question of cyber security, the big question is whether anyone else is listening or watching your Conversation. 

At the same time, there are various questions may arise in your mind as to who else is looking at what you have searched in the browser.

Whether you know it or not, the information you search for on the Internet comes to you from servers located in different countries. 

Even if a particular country cannot see or banned certain information in a particular country, the government is bound by it, but that information can be seen easily. 

So how can that information be viewed? So it takes the help of a new technology and that technology is VPN-Virtual Private Natwork!

So in this article we will look at what is VPN-Virtual Private Network and what VPN Software is currently suitable for use?

What is VPN-Virtual Private Natwork? 

A virtual private network , or VPN, is an encrypted connection between a computer and a network over the Internet. The encrypted link helps ensure secure transmission of confidential data. 

This prevents unauthorized persons from eavesdropping on the traffic and allows the user to carry out remote work. In corporate environments VPN technology is commonly used.

VPN-virtual private network is a programming that creates a secure , encrypted connection. Typically, it is used on a less secure network, such as the public Internet Connection.

How is a VPN-Virtual Private Network works?

A VPN extends a corporate network over encrypted Internet connections. Since the communication between the system and the network is encrypted, data is kept secret as it moves. 
An employee can work outside of the office and yet link securely to the corporate network. You can even connect smartphones and tablets via a VPN.
VPN tunneling creates a point-to – point connection that unauthorized users can not access. In order to actually create a tunnel, the endpoint device needs to run a VPN client (software application) locally or in the cloud. 
The client is running in the background. This is not noticeable to the end user unless there are performance issues.
Performance can be affected by many factors, such as the speed of users\’ internet connections, the protocol types that an internet provider may use, and the type of encryption that it uses. 
In the enterprise, performance may also be affected by poor quality of service outside the control of the IT department of the organization.

Uses of VPN-Virtual Private Network:

  • You can use VPN to secure you WiFi Connection.

  • You can browse websites or Applications that may be banned in your country.

  • If You want to don\’t save your browsing history in browser then you must you VPN.

  • Using VPN, some times you can connect faster server outside country to increase your Speed of internet connection.

  • Top Social media Platforms like Facebook, tweeter, Instagram, WhatApp etc. are using VPN to secure data.

  • You can Open blocked content or websites by using VPN.

  • You can make secure transactions by using VPN.

  • You can use VPN on your computer as well as on your Android smartphone too.

Which are the best VPN Applications?

There are lot of free or Paid VPN Applications are available. between them we select few best Free VPN Applications.

  1. Hotspot Shield Free VPN:

  • free 500MB/Day 
  • User-friendly interface
  • lot of premier features for free.
  • Visit: Hotspot Shield

    2.Tunnel Bear Free VPN:

  • free 500MB/Month
  • Get easily around
  • Solid number of servers available
  • Visit: Tunnel Bear VPN 

    3. Proton free VPN:

  • Unlimited monthly traffic uses
  • High Level security privacy
  • No ads
  • Better Speed
  • Visit: Proton VPN

    4. Windscribe VPN:

  • High secure
  • 25 best server locations
  • Top Privacy
  • High monthly bandwidth
  • Speeds might be a bit unpredictable
  • Visit: Windscribe VPN
    5. Speedify VPN:
Top Speeds
Strong Secutity
Plenty of Servers are available
Visit: Speedify VPN

There is no guarantee that the above applications that provide the best VPN services  will always be free. Maybe in a few months or a few years you will have to pay for it.
We hope you enjoy the article.

How To See How Busy A Store Is Right Now With Google Maps? – Science/Technology

Planning to visit a store to purchase some groceries? Wondering Whether the store is overcrowded or decently occupied? Don’t worry, you need not step out of your house to see how busy a store is, at a given point of time.

All you need to do is open Google Maps. A recent update made by Google Maps added a live feature. This works for pubs, hotels, restaurants, parks, stores, etc. One can access the same across all devices: iPad, Android Device, and iPhone.

To view the information, you need to

* Tap on the name of the place or the store.

* Next, click on “Popular times” as that appears in the panel chart.

* Scroll down a bit to see a tab that says “Live” time. This reflects information about the store timings and also how busy is it at a particular time.

The chart isn’t only for the current time but extends to all days of the week. You can plan in advance when to visit the shop coming Sunday. However, the efficiency of the historical data might not be the same as that of the live data. So even if you have already planned, keep a check on the live status.

For locations that are extremely popular and have regular visits, this feature works best. It might not be available for less visited places. So, you can check accordingly.

The core concept here is that Google tracks the location of users live. Ever noticed the tab where Google asks your permission to track your location, yes that’s what drives data for this feature. Google remembers the data and uses it to feed value to the busy now feature

Attractive, right?

Continue reading “How To See How Busy A Store Is Right Now With Google Maps? – Science/Technology”

5 Tips to Build a Great Private Blog Network…PBN SEO

Most SEOs understand the importance of setting up a PBN inappropriate manner, with the right processes it requires, and the

potential risks involved. This article is meant to guide you on how best to set up a PBN with the lowest possible risk of being discovered and possibly getting de-indexed from the search engines. PBNs can lead to ranking losses, or even manual penalty if they are not properly setup.

And PBNs can also provide a great boost to your money site when done properly and serves a long-term value to your websites.
But before we proceed, let us try to explain what a PBN is all about, for those who are probably hearing it for the very first time.

What is A PBN?

PBN, which stands for Private Blog Network, is a network of blogs that you have absolute control over and of which, you want to build links back to your money site. The money site refers to your main website which you want to rank higher in the search engines.
It is typically created with expired domains that already have great backlinks, and these domains help to pass high authority to your money site, through the acquired links and help to rank it higher in the search engines.
PBNs affords you complete control of all backlinks since you are the owner of the blogs linking back to your money site.

Does PBN actually work?

As long as backlinks remain the most important search engine ranking factor, their acquisition at all costs is often worth it.
If you’re serious about improving your site ranking on Google, you’ll need to acquire a lot of good backlinks. PBNs offer a shortcut to acquiring quality backlinks in a great number without having to pay an arm and a leg or undergoing some tedious tasks that are typically required for link building.
Building PBNs is cheaper and faster, and the best part is that you have complete control over how often or how many links you want for your money-site.

5 Tips to Build A Great Private Blog Network

PBNs gathered a lot of steam in 2014, but afterward, Google penalized a few private blog networks, making it die down due to some bad practices. However, modern SEOs now understand that it takes some tactics to build quality PBNs that will be much tougher for Google to find out.

1. Get Expired Domains

Expired domains are preferable for PBNs as they have been online and most expired domains have already accumulated SEO-friendly backlinks.
These Expired domains have SEO power, which means they can be ranked easily on Google. And getting indexed is much faster, even as soon as the site is live, and some expired domains already have traffic.
PBNs built using expired domains work great and many are still working today, however, you must consider the other tactics below if you want to build a great PBN.

2. Multiple IP Hosting

PBN requires a multiple IP hosting provider (for instance, SeekaHost) to host the websites and blogs owned by the same person. This helps to ensure that the search engines do not notice that they are all under the same network.
Also, getting unique IPs from different data center servers around the world is mandatory, so that you can pick where exactly you want your site to be hosted.
You’ll be able to pick multiple IPs from VPS, shared, or even dedicated servers to host your PBNs.

3. Use A CMS to build your PBN

The use of a content management system (CMS) for PBNs is very important and can benefit your site in many ways. And WordPress is perhaps the best and most popular of CMSes, because of its user-friendliness and usability. Although, you’ll equally find that most other content management systems can offer you the same or even more benefits.
CMS will allow you to easily input SEO values even if you’ve never worked with code before and it’s easy to update and much more productive.

4. Create Quality Content

Most of the time, PBNs are detected due to low-quality content, as many SEOs fail to ensure their private blog networks are provided with quality content.
So, if you want a credible private blog network, it is very important to make sure that the content is of high quality and won’t raise any flags for the search engines to penalize it.
You need to have unique and valuable content on each of the websites and there should be no spun content on your PBN, treat it with the same respect as your money site and invest in quality content.

5. Build Niche-focused PBNs

Niche-focused PBNs always give the best SEO boost to linking money websites. So, make sure you build your PBNs within a niche and if possible same niche as the original site hosted with the expired domain.
And always remember that just because they are referred to as private blog networks doesn’t mean you should try to hide them from search engines.
You should publish the blogs in a way that they’ll be acting as privately owned and hosted for many people on the web.


In the end, how you go about building your PBNs will determine the results and if you want to use PBNs, you must know that there are also cons for your website’s SEO.
However, legitimate pros do exist, but only if you follow the provided guidance. While traditional strategies will always take longer, and they aren’t nearly as risky. But you’ll most definitely be able to generate quick domain authority with PBN SEO

Simple Way To Automatically Post Instagram Photos on Twitter

Learn how to automatically post your instagram photos as twitter photo in just few steps.

Instagram and twitter are one of the biggest social media in the world where you can easily engage your fans and make lot of followers also.

This guide would help reduce stress of logging both account at same time to post photos, instead you can process all activities easily.

Without much say, I would simply walk you through the process on how to automatically post any of your instagram photos as twitter photos.

How to Automatically Post Instagram Photos on Twitter

1.       Firstly, sign up on IFTTT, then go to the IFTTT Recipe page.

2.       Once you get there, use the connect button to connect both your Instagram and twitter account.

3.       After that, click on ADD button.

4.       Now, include your username from the top right corner and then go to preference.

5.       After that, uncheck the option that says “Auto shorten URLs”. This would enable Instagram urls on your tweets, instead if
That’s it. Your accounts has been syndicated, and your instagram photos would automatically be posted as twitter photos.

How To Use Your Google Maps Offline

Google Maps is a dependable navigation service even if it has its own complications as well. One of its biggest problems is that it functions best with a good data connection, but, sadly, that is never guaranteed. Luckily for us, we can use Google Maps offline as well, even if this amazing feature might be frustrating if you do not take certain steps. Are you planning on taking a road trip or you wish to get yourself into a wild hike? Check out our article on How To Use Your Google Maps Offline:
How To Use Your Google Maps Offline

How Does Google Maps Offline Mode Work

The area of interest has to be downloaded before you can seize the opportunity that Google Maps offline mode brings. This is how you take the required steps to simplify things for yourself. Simply download the map area before stepping out of the safety of a good connection.
Luckily, the area you can download is pretty wide. You can cache several spots with just one download. A large amount of info should be downloaded in cases like this, therefore you must be prepared to give up a lot of storage space for your maps. When I say storage space, I’m talking about 1.5 GB, this will all depend on the area. Does your device have a memory card? Then you can just that transfer data. Simply head to Menu > Offline Areas > Settings > Storage Preferences and switch Device to SD card.
You must also know that these offline maps will expire after 2 weeks and one day except users connect to a data connection. The universe changes everyday. Maps are very dynamic now and they always need to be updated. Google is of the opinion that you should always have an updated version of your maps even when you are not online, and that is what brought about the time restriction.
To make sure your maps are kept offline indefinitely, just head to the Offline Maps settings and enable automatic updates. By so doing, you will make sure offline maps are repeatedly updated after expiration. You can also decide to only be updated when you use WiFi, so that your vital GBs are not wasted.
When you are not online, the app will show you everything Google Maps can do. Information like bike routes, walking directions, traffic details, lane guidance will not be visible. However, everything else will work normally. You will be sble to search for addresses, look for businesses, and seamlessly navigate to them.

How To Store Offline Maps

  1. Launch the Google Maps app.
  2. Click on the hamburger menu button.
  3. Choose Offline maps.
  4.  Google will provide recommendations. If you cannot find your preferred area in the recommended maps, tap Select your own map.
  5.  Select the area you wish to download.
  6. Now you can zoom in and out to make the download area smaller or bigger.
  7. After deciding on what you want, tap “Download” in the lower-right corner.
Immediately your maps are downloaded, you will be able to navigate and locate directions like you do when you are online. Just remember that not all the feature will be available.
you have just been walked through a tutorial on how to use your  Google Maps offline. You are advised to follow the steps meticulously and If you have any questions, feel free to drop them in the comment section below.

How to fix Google drive issue on Chrome

Google drive is used by a number of people all over the world. The main purpose of Google drive is to provide file storage and synchronize the files with various devices. Many times while loading Google drive on Chrome users face some issue that is very annoying especially if you are trying to upload an important file. If you are also facing Google drive not loading on Chrome issue that may occur due to various reason follow the steps given below to fix it:

1. Go to Chrome browser and delete caches and cookies saved in your browser while visiting a particular website with the help of enlisted steps:

2. Open your Chrome browser and go to the settings

3. Click advanced settings then select privacy & security given below it

4. Click clear browsing data and select time range

5. Click clear data to delete caches and cookies

6. Make sure that your Chrome browser and operating system is up to date. If not then download and install the latest version of Chrome browser and windows available. You can search for the latest version online and download it very easily to your system.

7. Plugins and extensions of your Chrome browser must be disabled.

8. You have to go to the settings of Chrome browser and reset the settings to fix the Google drive not loading issue.

9. If still Google drive not loading on Chrome then try to load Google drive on any other browsers to see if the problem is with Chrome or Google Drive itself.

10. Try to open Google Drive on private or incognito window may be that will be helpful and resolve the Google Drive not loading issue.

11. Try to fix the Google Drive not loading issue by AnyTrans for cloud that you can download online. Install and enable AnyTrans for cloud that you have downloaded in your system. Then access your Google Drive files with the help of AnyTrans for cloud.

You can also dial Google drive customer support phone number and fix Google Drive not loading in Chrome.

Convert An Exchange OST File Info PST File

ATS OST recovery tool is the best third party tool to repair corrupted, orphan and damaged file and migrate them into PST format. It backing OS Windows version like 95, 98, Win NT, Win ME, Win XP, Win Vista, Win7, Win 8, Win 8.1, and Win 10. This setup automatically scans all the error of OST file and repairs them instantly without taking more time. The interface of the setup is simple that even a non-technical user can also access the OST database in Outlook PST file. In its free demo version you can convert 30 emails per folder free of cost.

Key Features:- 

•Selective mail folder conversion into Outlook PST file
•Efficiently converts OSTinto PST file
•User-friendly and simple interface 
•Preview of all mailbox items before conversion 
•Scan and Filter option
•With free demo Version, you can convert EML to MSG, EMLx, HTML, MHTML & PST.

Read More Info:

As we know, the number of OST to PST Converter tools are available on the web. You can make use of any tool to convert OST to PST files. But if you are looking for a reliable solution which can help you to repair OST files, recover deleted items from OST files and export OST to PST, Office 365, Live Exchange server, EML, and MSG, then I would recommend you to try Shoviv OST to PST Converter software. It has a free trial version and a good technical support team as well.

Get More Info:

Zaplogix OST to PST Converter tool provides excellent solution to convert OST to PST without losing or tampering any content.

OST to PST Converter tool is most reliable & easy way to convert lost data from orphaned OST file and convert email from outlook OST file into PST with all relevant folders:- Inbox, Draft, Journals, Tasks, Calendars, Outbox, Sent Items, Deleted Items, Notes, and Contacts. OST to PST converter provides 24×7 technical support for using OST to PST converter software.

More info visit here;-


I am suggesting a new and advanced MailsSoftware OST to PST Converter tool to export Exchange OST to PST file format along with all items of mailbox. The software supports highly corrupted Exchange OST file and repairs it quickly (depends on file size of OST file). By using this software, you can easily convert OST file to PST, MSG, EML, and MBOX file format. If you are looking for getting complete Outlook contacts in local machine such as Pen drive or local folder of your PC for external use then the software provides an option to export Outlook contacts in VCF file format.
Get the tool from here:

How To Get 5000 Organic Traffic From Search Engine (google) Daily 

Getting Real Human Targeted And Or Search Engine Traffic Daily Is A Thing Of Joy Which Shows How Hardworking You Are And How Great Your Blog Is Doing And How Well It Will Be Inform Of Bringing More Incomes In Tend Of Been Popular Just Like The Popular Entertainment, News Blog.

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Whatsapp Only – +2348134263408

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