
What is domain?

What is Domain Name?

Hi friends, if you are serious about this article then you are maybe a Student, a web developer, or a Blogger. this article is very helpful for you.
you have understood from the title this article that we will discuss one of the most important concepts of Internet field that is Domain Name. 

So What is a domain name?

Today we all use the Internet. we know that to open a webpage we need a specific web address of that website. web address is the most important part of the Internet. it makes it easy to visit a specific website to get more information. 

every web address includes a domain name. for example: htpps://

let\’s know what is domain name?


When referring to a domain or domain name is the location of a specific website. A word or the words are used to identify a specific website that is called the domain name. like IP addresses, domain names are also unique. in the past, IP addresses were used as a web address instead of the domain name but this method was changed to consider future problems. 

now today we are using the domain name for the web address. for example a domain name that points to the IP address we can not remember that type of IP address for every web address.

every website or domain name has a unique IP address. we can also access any website through its IP address but we can not remember IP addresses of each and every website. we can easily remember the domain name instead of the IP address.

To better understand this concept we take an example of Mobile Number. we assign a mobile number to a Specific Person\’s Name. when we want them we just find Person Name in the contact list. because we can not remember each and every Person\’s mobile number. same that way we use the domain name instead of IP address.

Uses of Domain Name

Domain names are used worldwide especially in the field of Network and Data Transmission. it is used to identify a single IP address or a group of IP addresses. as the domain names are Alphanumeric, the host or entity may use the domain name as an alternate name to make them easy to remember. it is used to describe a website as a part of the URL. domain names are also used for email.

Okay, we have discussed What is a domain name? what are the uses of the domain name? but actually how domain Name works? so let\’s start to know how domain name works.

How Domain Name works?

The domain name perform their function through DNS (Domain Name System).


DNS (Domain Name System) resolves your website\’s IP address. every website has a unique IP address in the form of specific number series like when we retrieve any website by typing their name (domain name) at that time DNS connects you typed domain name to the IP address and you get content from that website. 

it means DNS makes easy to remember web address. that\’s why we do not need to keep the IP address book! thanks to DNS.
so, in short DNS:

  • DNS is a Hostname to IP address translation service.
  • DNS is an Application Layer Protocol.
  • In the DNS system all the hostname were saved in the host.txt file.
  • It works Forwerd and Reverse DNS Lookups.
  • DNS is Highly targeted for Hacking Purpose.
  • It uses both TCP port 53 and UDP port 53.
  • Today, DNS support 13 Root Name servers. (A to M).

we will discuss DNS in more detail in the next article.

Parts of Domain Name

there are four parts of the domain name. we take a domain name as an example.

1.http or https: 

HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol. it is a protocol. \’S\’ means secure. https is used for a secure connection and HTTP may detect the non-secure connection.


www stands for World Wide Web.  it is a widely spread Network that provides information worldwide.


this is your domain name. it is also called as Second Level Domain Name (SLDN). we will discuss domain name levels in this article.

4. .com:

it is a domain extension. it is also called as Top-Level Domain e.g. .com, .org., .net, etc. it specifies the type of website whether it is commercial, education, organization, etc.

 Types of Domain

there are many types of domains but we will discuss three main types of domains. you must choose your domain according to your businesses, country or purpose.

1. Top Level Domains(TLD):

Top Level Domains are also called as internet domain extension. these domains are very useful worldwide and it plays a very important role in SEO. that type of domain considered as Profession Domain name. The most popular Top-Level Domain Names are as follows.

  • for United State: .us
  • for 
  • for Brazil: .br
  • for Canada: .ca
  • for United Kingdom: .uk
  • for China: .cn
  • for Saudi Arabia: .sa
  • for Thailand: .th
  • for Japan: .jp
  • for Singapore: .sg
  • for Australia: .au

so these are the Country Code Domain (CcTLD) 


Most of you may know the subdomain because initially most of every blogger or web developer make a website for free on Google Blogger. when you make a free blog using Blogger then your domain is e.g. 

like that you can use subdomains from your top-level domain to run any application through your domain name. eg. in this top-level domain can divide in multiple subdomain names. there are a lot of Subdomain blogs or websites are available on the Internet.

Top Domain Name Registrars

Domain name Registrar is a company that provides domain name and allows to purchase a domain name. some of the domain registrars are also provide Hosting services that user can host their website on the server. you can purchase domain names from these registrars. some top registrars are as follow:


you can choose any of the above registrars for your domain name. to make a website or a blog you must buy a domain name and hosting. 

so we have learned What is Domain Name? also learn domain-related concepts. in this article we have discussed a brief overview of DNS but in the next article we will get more details about DNS.

we hope you like this article.

Thank you.

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